Has anyone tried to use FBX to record Mass Effect

  • So I am an avid Mass Effect player and I want to record gameplay. I have been using FBX in Dragon Age: Origins and it's worked really well. I have the program running and Mass Effect running, but I don't see the recording hub to show me I'm recording.

    Has anyone else tried to use it for ME, this is the first game. I do have some mods installed, one of them improves graphics, but I wouldn't think that would interfere with recording software.

  • administrators

    You're not running any external apps for graphics improvements are you? Something like Reshade perhaps? Those sort of apps can block FBX for accessing the game.

    We've recorded all of the Mass Effect games in the past so we would expect you to be able to record ok.

  • I do have a reshader on it, it's part of the graphic improvement. Guess I will have to find a different recorder, because the reshader does an amazing job. Thanks for the quick answer.

  • administrators

    We'll taking another look to see if there is any solution for recording alongside reshaders.

    If not, we are already working on a full screen record mode that would just record what is on the screen instead of capturing directly from the game. Performance potentially wouldn't be as good as when using the current game capture mode but it should provide a workable alternative for cases like this.

  • Recently I used the program. It updated and then I launched Mass Effect. This was before the update that happened yesterday. The overlay showed up in the game. When I tried to play late yesterday, there was another update and the overlay did not work. I was so excited to see the overlay because I've been trying a few other options for my game capture, but the quality is not quite what yours does, then when it didn't work I was disappointed. The re-shader is still installed in my game. I'm not sure what changed between the two updates that made it work the first time, but not the second, but I wanted to pass this information along in hopes it helps you figure out how to make the recorder work with reshaders. Thanks!

  • administrators

    Interesting that you saw it work with v3.0 - I'm not aware of any changes to the core recording in v3.1. Could you download and install this release:


    And see if it works with Mass Effect again? Thanks!

  • So here is the update, I don't think it was the older version. I got it to work sometimes. I don't know why it worked, but here is what I did. I would have to launch ME1 with FBX running, several times. It would often take multiple launches before the interface would appear in the game. Once it showed up, the game recorded fine. I would record some game play, stop it after a little bit and then the interface would reappear after the video was saved like it should, most of the time. There were times that it wouldn't appear again (I have no idea what caused this) and I would just have to relaunch the game to get it back. It took me longer to get through the game because I recorded my entire playthrough, but I managed to do it. If I do another playthrough in the future I probably will avoid capturing it. Once I hit ME2 and ME3 FBX worked great. I am now working with Dragon Age: Origins, other than the game getting really slow after playing for a bit, it's working great too.


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