Multiple Chrashs

  • I was recording Fallout New Vegas and Fallout Shelter and I tried Fallout Shelter multiple times and each time it would lag, stop recording, and it would make this really loud click and shut down. It also wouldn't allow me to normally report a problem.

  • administrators


    Ok, we'll check out Fallout Shelter. Can you restart FBX, go to the Support tab, make a selection on 'Send logs for' that would include your last crash, and send the report? If there's a problem sending the report can you tell us more about that?


  • administrators

    The log files that we received from you show that whilst you were recording your PC had very little free memory and there was a very high load on your CPU meaning there were not sufficient resources available for FBX.
    Try switching to a lower recording frame rate or using a different video encoder (ideally one that doesn't end in MFT) to see if that improves things.


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