Not working

  • Whenever I try to record, it says it starts recording but the timer doesn't move and I can't stop the "recording". The only way to stop it is if I right click on the task bar and close it from there. After I do that, I can't open FBX until the computer gets shut off and turned back on again. I really want to record FNAF Ultimate Custom Night 40/20 mode so please get back as soon as possible.

  • administrators

    If you haven't already, I'd recommend you upgrade to FBX v2.5, which has fixes for the AMD encoder you're using.

    If you've not been upgraded automatically, you can get the new release from

    If you still have a problem with v2.5, reproduce the problem, then go to the Support tab and send us a report, and we'll take a look.

  • If I reproduce the problem, I won't be able to send a report as I cannot open fbx again until I restart the computer.

  • administrators

    That's not a problem. When you send the report, it defaults to including log files from the last 2 sessions, so that should include what we need even if you have to reboot first. If in doubt, you could always change it to send logs for today instead.

  • Sorry for taking so long, but I finally sent a report. Thank you for your help.


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