Original recording resolution does not match with actual
Hello there, my GPU is AMD HD 7950 and my monitor is SAMSUNG 226BW native resolution of my system is 1680x1050 in the FBX settings checkbox is set to record at ORIGINAL resolution, but the output file resolution is 1680x1048 Pls give me back my 2 pixels. btw im pleasantly impressed with the FBX game recorder.
The MP4 video encoder that FBX uses requires the height and the width of the saved videos to be multiples of 8. So in the case of a video with height of 1050, unfortunately that means that it needs to be trimmed to 1048 to meet that requirement.
If you select either 1080p or 720p in the Resolution setting instead of Original, the full 1680 x 1050 image will be rescaled to the resolution that you choose so you won't lose anything.