kickstarting hyperdrive...
Ever since the latest update (v2.6.0.1931) the recorder cant launch. Specifically, when i click on it and the small fbx window appears, it seems to be loading endlessly. Next to the small loading circle,there is also the phrase "kickstarting hyperdirve...".From this point on, the program just freezes there. Please help
Possibly a problem with displaying the Help tab. Can you do this:
- Reproduce the problem.
- In Windows Explorer, go to c:\ProgramData\Blueberry Software\FBX Game Recorder
- Find the most recent "Session..." folder, right click it and select Send to -> Compressed Folder
- Send the zip file this generates to us at
We think we've found the cause of this so we've prepared a new version with a fix:
Can you give it a try and let us know if it resolves the problem for your please?
is this as virus or what? what does blueberry software do?
We make and sell software! Did you have a problem with FBX? We'll try to help.
@xSilo Blueberry is well know company . What the sh*t are you if you don't know about Blueberry
Now now, please be civil with one another.
This new link doesn't work when I tried, and it's stuck on "Getting FBX login from server" and I have been waiting around a day and it still has not done anything so if you guys can fix it then thanks a lot.
@Mytz_ So this is when you're creating an account, yes? Can you just end FBX and try again. Thanks.
Where can i make an account. So after i make an account will it not be stuck any (Sorry if i sound dumb)
No problem. When you first run FBX, it opens a page in your browser where you create an account. While you're doing that, FBX waits for the account to be created before proceeding, and displays a "Getting FBX login from server" message.
So you've never created an account on FBX's first run? If not, and you see no page opening in your browser when you run FBX, I'd advise uninstalling, restarting Windows, reinstalling FBX and trying to run it again.
For me when I start the application It loads up, but It says "application not found" and I have done every single thing I restarted and I reinstall the program and the other one in this link so I don't know if there is something wrong with my pc (windows 10) (i really want this program cause I heard so many good things about your program) Thank you.
@Mytz This actually appears to be a different issue to the one that other users are reporting.
Are you using Chrome as your default browser? Older versions of Chrome have a known issue which gives the error in your image when apps try to open a webpage - in this case the FBX login page. If you are using Chrome, can you check that you are up-to-date please.
If that makes no difference, can you do the following please:
- In Windows Explorer, go to C:\ProgramData\Blueberry Software\FBX Game Recorder\ (C:\ProgramData\ is hidden by default so you may need to enable the option to show hidden items)
- Find the most recent "Session..." folder, right click it and select Send to -> Compressed Folder
- Send the zip file this generates to us at
My google is up to date, I have even tried a different browser and the still thing is happening. I don't understand what you mean with "find the recent "session..." folder"
If you go to C:\ProgramData\Blueberry Software\FBX Game Recorder, you should see a collection of folders that begin with 'Session'. Like this:
The one we are interested in is the most recent one.
i get same message when i try to instal fbx it never loads up
@Zarko-Basic We need you to send a report with your log files please.
Open your Windows Start menu, find the FBX Game Recorder folder and click the Send a Problem Report link.
how do i send report link