FBX not opening or taking a long time
Ok so i am new to FBX so when i try to open it takes FOREVER to load in please help!.
Its stuck on "Powering up reactors..."
If you can start FBX, can you go to the Support tab and send a report please.
If you can't start FBX, do this:
- In Windows Explorer, go to the folder c:\ProgramData\Blueberry Software\FBX Game Recorder
- Find the most recent "Session_..." folder, right click it and select "Send to -> Compressed folder"
- Send the zip file this creates to support@fbx.gg
You could try setting the priority of the application in Task Manager to high. I didn't need to do that to start it, but it fixed dropped frames when I tested 1080p recording.
@Lord-Aymor Which version of Windows are you running?
We found errors in the log files which seem to be caused by FBX not being able to access a Windows function that it needs. If you let us know which Windows you are using, we'll check to see if there is a way for you to fix your Windows..
windos 8.1 @FBX-Recorder
@FBX-Recorder My recorder wont open i did everything but still did not working
@Kian-Irving We just seen another case of this, and are still trying to find out if the download of the installer was corrupt, or an AV program removed files from the FBX installation. Can you try re-downloading the installer and trying again.
@Lord-Aymor Can you make sure you're running FBX v2.7 - the "Powering up reactors" problem some users saw was fixed in that release. If this doesn't help, can you again:
- In Windows Explorer, go to c:\ProgramData\Blueberry Software\FBX Game Recorder
- Find the most recent "Session_" folder, right click it and select "Send To -> Compressed folder"
- Email the zip file this creates to support@fbx.gg
@FBX-Recorder Yes i am running the lattest version
@Lord-Aymor The developer saw some strange problems in the logs that indicate something going wrong at quite a low level in Windows. Here is a process you can follow to give us log files. It has a few steps, but give it a try.
Download a utility here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=7684
Run it to install it. Install it to a new folder called c:\wmitool
In Windows Explorer, right click the c:\wmitool folder while holding down the shift key, and select 'Open a command window here'.
In the command line window, type this line and hit enter
wmiutil.vbs LogFilePath=c:\wmitool -
You may see a message, but click OK on that. Then it'll look as if nothing has happened, but the utility will run in the background. Grab a coffee or whatever - it takes over 10 mins! When its finished you'll see a message and 3 new files in the c:\wmitool folder.
Right click those new files, select "Send To -> Compressed Folder" and send the zip file this generates to us at support@fbx.gg.
Ill I send today
can't figure it out
@Lord-Aymor This is a tough one I'm afraid. The logs indicated a rather unusual problem. Can you try uninstalling, restarting Windows, then downloading and installing the latest release again. That restart of Windows in the middle is important.
could it be your antivirus ?, try adding an exception or temporarily disabling it
@FBX-Recorder But i cant find the Session_ folder
@Desmond-Heng If you're having problems opening FBX, try this:
Click the Windows Start button and search for FBX.
Find the FBX Game Recorder folder, open that and select to Send a Problem Report.