Getting FBX Login From Server Issue
Hello i am having an issue where no mater how long i wait FBX never gets past "Getting FBX Login From Server" I have sent in the log that i could find in "C:\ProgramData\Blueberry Software\FBXGameRecorder" i am creating this for any one else that is having the same issue and to help bring attention to the issue.
The log files indicate that FBX opened the login page in your default browser and was then waiting for a response from the browser.
Did you see the login page open in your browser? If so,what happened when you attempted to login?
let me try a different browser i like to use brave witch has a built in ad blocker that might be the issue if it needs to connect to my browser
Ok that was my problem brave was blocking the login site from opening switching to google chrome worked thank you for your help with out it i would have not have thought about ad blocking stoping me from logging in