Choppy Recording

  • Hey there! This is the first game recorder that's actually worked for me where I have clean gameplay, for the most part. My game doesn't lag itself, but when I go back to watch the recording it's a bit choppy. Anyway to fix this? I have the default settings, and I looked up a youtube video for better settings but it just made it worse so I changed them back to default. Any way to fix this?


  • administrators

    If you do the following to send us your logs files and performance data, we'll check to see if there are any issues:

    1. Go to FBX's Support tab
    2. Change the Log Level setting to Verbose
    3. Make another recording
    4. Immediately after finishing recording, go back to FBX's support and use the Send a problem report option
    5. Change the Log Level setting back to Normal.

  • I just sent the recording. Thank you for replying so fast! :)


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