MP4 file wont download?
when i try to MP4 file i get a warning and it wont download.
any reason why?
FBX does not download MP4 files. Do you mean that you have edited a recording and you have clicked the button to get the new MP4 file?
What is the warning message? Can you show us a screenshot?
so basically the FBX Recordings folder won't show up in my video folder, any reason why? is that my problem?
it looks to be deleted for some reason or at least gone
when i click it i get a warning and it doesn't download. would you like the warning message?
Yes, please show us the warning message.
I can't show a screenshot because its another language but translated it says:C:\User\Name\Videos\FBX Game Recorder\Recordings is not available.
no connection.
Please go to FBX's Support tab and use the 'Send a problem report' to send us your log files. We will need those to investigate.
@FBX-Recorder where can I find the Support tab?
There are 4 tabs at the very top of FBX - HOME, CAPTURES, SETTINGS and SUPPORT:
@FBX-Recorder when I click ''SEND A PROBLEM REPORT'' nothing happens, everything else works fine (support and feedback works fine but when I try to click the send problem link nothing happens)
OK, try this - in your Windows Start menu go Programs -> FBX Game Recorder -> Send a Problem Report. Does that work?
@FBX-Recorder when i tried sending a report i got ''failed sending a report''
@FBX-Recorder any updates?
Hi, can you help with my problem please?
@Kosemos - In that case, can you do this please:
1 - Go to C:\ProgramData\Blueberry Software\FBXGameRecorder.
2 - In there you should see a number of "Session-..." folders. Make a zip file of the "session" folders that you find there (right click the folder and select Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder)
3 - Send us the zip file to us at
@Zaxoosh What problem are you having? Is it the same as this one? If not, can you start a new thread with the details in please?
@FBX-Recorder hey! where can i find: C:\ProgramData\Blueberry Software\FBXGameRecorder.
If you don't see it, it might be hidden so try enabling the option in Windows Explorer to show hidden items.
@FBX-Recorder alright i sent it :)
Got it - thanks! Developers are taking a look We'll get back to you...