Low Bitrates

  • Hi,

    In the FBX 2.6 update the Nvidia NVENC Hardware encoder was no longer made available to me (which makes sense since I'm only using an GT940M). However, when I was using that encoder in previous versions I had no problems recording and the footage produced was usually around a nice 5000kb/s bitrate (720P60). In the most recent version I am unable to get even close to that bitrate (3000kb/s max) on any of the encoders that are now available. Any chance I can work around the update to get the old encoder setting back or to have a manual bitrate slider in future versions?


  • administrators

    We took a look and the 940M doesn't support NVenc : https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/does-the-940m-nvidia-gpu-support-nvenc.72033/

    So we guess you were using a different encoder before. Could you try using the Intel QuickSync encoder?

  • The point is that the quicksync encoder has a terrible bitrate. I know that the 940m does not support NVenc however it was a selectable option in the previous versions. I have no idea what encoder was actually used however it vastly improved bitrates from around 1500 to 5000kb/s with no frame drops.

  • administrators

    The only way the older version of FBX could enable NVenc for selection is if you had some drivers installed previously that enabled, or appeared to enable, it on the 940M. FBX itself hasn't made any change to the available encoders.

    If you send us a report from the Support tab, we'll be able to see some historical data on recordings, to try and help you reproduce what you were doing previously, but as it stands, you only have the options on the Settings -> Video tab to adjust bitrate and performance.


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