I wish its cold not record discord.

  • I love this app.. only i was hoping maybe this app will come up whit idea how to cut off sound from discord. and will only record game sound not discord too. whit obs its this same problem. u can see all in internet loking for solutions.

  • administrators

    Ok. I remember we were investigating a solution like this some time back. We'll take another look, but no promises...

  • I second this, but not limited to Discord. I just don't want music I'm listening to at the time of the recording be mixed in to the game audio. Same goes for any notification sounds from other apps, YT videos, podcasts that may be playing, etc. -- just want the game audio.

  • administrators

    We're working on this right now! Recording of only the game audio is done, but needs some testing because it may not work for all combinations of games and pcs. Holidays may get in the way - I can't promise this will be out before Xmas :-/

  • Excellent - thanks for the reply!


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