Few More Things to improve

  • for me fbx is best recorder for live as well as for game recording thanks for fbx recorder.
    but I think few improvement can make it best,

    1. it stop recording and save the file when toggle between full screen recording. if possible try to use pause mode between full screen.
    2. MP4 video format is get corrupted if system crash and in such condition recovery is not possible but for flv format recover is possible.
    3. video editing is need little improvement as clip size is small. I want to remove 10 min out of my 1hr.30 min, video and it take much time to make clip. I suggest you to add button for clip start and end so the clip size can be short or long as per requirement.
    4. fbx take time to appear if scree toggle and thus recording is also delayed in live game some time it happen that I was killed by another player before recording is started, delay may be because hardware but if possible it can be improved.

  • Very right

  • administrators

    @hemant-gaikwad Thanks for the feedback. For #3, you are having trouble finding the start and end of the clip you want to save? Or you wanted a different way to mark the start and end?

    For #4, you switch to the game and the FBX overlays takes some time to appear? Can you tell us the game and roughly how long?

    For #1, we'll look at this. Can you tell us a bit more about what you're doing? You have two things you want to record and are switching between them?


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