Select a specific area of ​​the screen to record

  • Good morning, I am new using the FBX, I would like to suggest the option of having a menu to select which part of the screen we want to record. Sometimes I just want to capture a part of the screen, and I do not have an option to do so.
    Greetings and thanks for this excellent application!

  • administrators

    To get the best performance possible, FBX captures directly from the game's processes. The trade off for the performance is that it doesn't allow us much flexibility for options like this.

    However, we are planning on adding a second record mode that simply captures what is seen on the screen. This will not always give as good performance but it does potentially allow a bit more flexibility for things like region recording. We haven't determined exactly what sort of options would be available for this yet though.

  • Thank you very much for the answer, I specifically want it to make clips of different streams that I see through streaming platform! The idea is to capture only the part of the google chrome video player, and not the entire entire page. Thank you in advance for the answer and I will be waiting for the new options! Thank you very much for your work.


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